Inside the Stakes

All Things AJGA with Ryan Flanagan

Mark MacDonald and Joe Wilson III

If you're a junior golfer or parent of one, PLEASE listen to this! In this episode, we sit down with Ryan Flanagan, Midwest Regional Director, for the American Junior Golf Association. We discuss all things AJGA - who they are, what makes them different, how to get started, different types of events, and the ACE Grant! 

spk_0:   0:32
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this edition of Inside the Stakes. I'm your host, Joe Wilson, along with Mark MacDonald. And on today's episode, Mark, I'm so excited about this. We're gonna be sitting down with Ryan Flanagan, the regional director of the American Junior Golf Association. This was

spk_1:   0:49
a great one, Joe, wasn't it? So we talk to Ryan about all things AJGA. What makes them different? The types of tournaments that they offer. We talked about upcoming events in this area

spk_0:   0:58
how to get involved. But most importantly, the ACE grant. I did. Listen, if we hear so many times, Mark, I know you get talk people talking to us about how expensive go. Junior golf is an idiot. But this ace grant that I don't think a lot of people know about it. We're gonna dive deep into it, So sit back, relax. We're putting that ball on the first tee and sending it down the fairway on this edition of inside the stakes. Well, Ryan, listen, we're glad to have you here on inside the stakes, and thank you so much for taking time out of your day and Hotlanta to get on the phone with us and talk to our listeners about the American Junior Golf Association and all the amazing things you guys were doing down there. Ah, for our listeners. Ryan is theme Midwest regional director, and so he's a bigwig with E A. J G, especially in the Midwest. And now would cover, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. Ohio, Indiana, Michigan. Going to West Virginia little bit you got. You got a pretty big area, Ryan.

spk_2:   2:04
Yeah, I do. It's ah, great area. Got 18 events in total that I oversee and help with the schedule and committee and talk with our sponsors as well.

spk_0:   2:15
So when you say 18 events, these air not like 18 rounds of golf gear, which we talking, these are tournaments. So you're talking almost like a Benny PGA Tour event. You've got practice rounds, and I know there's like Junior, I am like a pro am. You've got these air major major events that you are covering

spk_2:   2:31
correct? Yeah, So in the spring, those are the three day event. So we have ah Friday practice around alongside of junior random and then two rounds of tournament play there on Saturday, Sunday, and then the Memorial Day to Labor Day schedule is the five day events,

spk_0:   2:48

spk_2:   2:48
a qualifier prior to the event for the last couple spots to get in the tournament and a practice round and then 54 hold a tournament goal.

spk_0:   2:57
My goodness,

spk_1:   2:58
that's a lot of golf. Do you travel to all these events?

spk_2:   3:01
A lot of them, Yeah, I make it to the majority of them. As many as I can. There are some events are some weak for Emily,

spk_0:   3:09
all right, I know just from talking to you you guys have and having the privilege of coaching a junior golfer, being the father, toe one and attending some of these events. It is an army. You'll have an army of staff that puts these things on in his mind, boggling for folks out there that are listening that have never been to America Junior Golf Association event. Just imagine going to a PGA Tour event just on a slightly smaller scale. The teas air roped off, and there's tents, and you're definitely not playing the backyard 18 hole golf. I'll tell you that

spk_1:   3:40
much. A special feel for the players. It really is I mean, it's for sure. The PGA Tour of junior golf related knows it's It's a It's a lot of fun. You feel special going to him?

spk_0:   3:49
Yeah, I agree, right? How many people do you guys tend to bring in there from the A. G A.

spk_2:   3:54
Yeah, so we typically we have 10 12 staff members on site. He creek it. Those events. We have 66 full time staff member, and then we have remember 50 interns that operate the summer event and a little bit less than that during the spring. Thio cooperate those events as well.

spk_0:   4:13
Well, that's that's incredible. Well, Ryan walked me through it a bit, just getting to know you. I know you're from this Midwestern area. Test little bit about where you're from and then just your personal journey through golf and your personal journey with the age A g A. I think it's a special one.

spk_2:   4:31
Yes, I grew up in South East Kentucky, Somerset, Kentucky, and grew up playing golf at an early age and

spk_0:   4:39

spk_2:   4:39
had me out there and

spk_0:   4:40
they come from, and, uh,

spk_2:   4:42
yeah, Lake Cumberland, for sure, had a lot of days out. There is a kid and seen ager and on into college. But yeah, it's just a logical for me growing up late in all the Kentucky golf House events and played in the Southeast, Your golf tour well down there around where I grew up. And it was just kind of one of those things where I was lucky enough to play well as ah, the youngster, you know, 14 15 16 years old and started Hear more about, you know, these aided you haven And I was like, What's going on there? And what's that all about? And had several people reach out to me about different things going on and looked into it. And then and unfortunately, when I was 16 had some hardships with my family and my dad had a heart attack and he was self employed. So

spk_0:   5:37

spk_2:   5:37
of a rough time there for the family. And it was one of those things, too, where people started reaching out to me about a J. J. And by the way, they got a grant program for you. And so I looked into that, and it was a financial system program for for Junior's toe get the assistance they need to play at all these events. As you can imagine. Pretty, Ah, pretty expensive if you're looking to go out of state and across the country. Really? And so once I had that opportunity was ableto get from, ah, recognition and get noticed from a college perspective and then got together Campbellsville University on a scholarship. And ah, played on four years there and did internship with a J G. A. Came on full time and now work. Ah,

spk_0:   6:33
this is

spk_2:   6:33

spk_0:   6:34
your boss. So I covered some amazing stuff there, and I want to make sure we don't miss it. Um, and I want to set the stage a little bit. Mark market. You've been a college coach, and these a j g a. Fields are they are the p G. A tour of junior golf. And Ryan, we wanna make sure we cover how how players can get into those events before this call's over. But I think what's amazing to me, and you made something that that I want to touch on, and that is the ace Grant. And I don't think people know enough about it. You know, the knock. We hear Mark a lot of times is how expensive the HCG is. And it is. By the time

spk_1:   7:10
I would just even summarize and say, Just junior golf in general. Well, without it, if you're just a a perspective college show, almost just talking about realistic numbers here. But exactly you said I want Ryan and I are the same age we played. A lot of this played together at the same time.

spk_0:   7:29
You guys play against each other. Ryan, did you play against? Did you guys play against each other? We're gonna probably

spk_2:   7:35
data. Yeah.

spk_0:   7:36
I want to know who I want to know. I want to know that's

spk_1:   7:39
not important. But it would. You know what's interesting, right? He obviously we're gonna talk about this a scream. But you and I are playing at the same time, and I don't think I ever remember hearing about it or having anyone talk about it. So I'm curious to know when it started, it had have been somewhat close to the same time. We were kind of getting into junior golf, But even even players now on parents that I talked to obviously I have a teaching academy. I talked with players all the time without tournaments and scheduling. Ah, and I don't even know if many of the parents that I talked to know a whole lot about it. So I think it's important to get the word out a little bit about the ace Gran and what it covers and how beneficial it's been in the past and kind of how it could be for families moving forward.

spk_2:   8:21
Yeah, definitely. And I think that's the beauty of what we're doing now with education and trying to get the word out. It started in 2003 but the pilot program and then we just we just built on that. And it's just it's a fine assistance program for, uh, underserved community of young men and women who developed the seal on the talent but need help t get on that grand stage in, showcase their abilities, and you know, through that it's just it's provided so many great things for these juniors. I mean, when you look at, I've got some of the numbers here looking at this, you know, Now, in 2020 we've had 2000 recipients, four million in reimbursements, the juniors in that time frame, and they've turned it into a 16.5 million scholarships. So I mean, that's

spk_1:   9:11

spk_2:   9:11
one of the big picture of it all. But it's really incredible. And I'm happy to have this platform to tell you guys about it and just share more.

spk_1:   9:20
That's awesome. So what? What what all Would this cover? Obviously, if you're if you're a junior golfer, apparent listening. There are many. It's not just in entry fee. When you're going to these tournaments, you have travel

spk_0:   9:30
in. The entry fee is, on average, probably $300 right, 295 bucks. But like you said, I've got it. You have to get there and then got practice round your Santa at a at a Hilton or a Marriott or or something. And, uh, you know, there's only so many rounds of Chick fil A and chip away. Uh, you got food there? What? That's a great question. What? What does

spk_1:   9:51
it all? Does it cover?

spk_2:   9:53
Yes. Covers gas, airfare, baggage for the actual player, the airport transportation, rental cars, food housing, tournament, qualifier entry fees. And, you know you still have to stay within Ah constrain of ah amount.

spk_0:   10:09

spk_2:   10:10
Captain 4500 per Jr And you know, in addition to that, too, this is not just agent gave. It just helps cover. So I think that's important to talk about as well. There's select USDA events and then also the state junior as well. And and that's very important to my life.

spk_1:   10:31
I didn't know that

spk_0:   10:31
I didn't either. So so you're literally saying that that a perspective, uh, golf for a male female that that's showing, um, the desire to play at the elite junior level and should really not have to worry about the finance because it is such a commitment. And this ace Grant, let me ask you this, Ryan would would you feel because you said you were a participant of this with a situation that went through in your life? You have to owe so much to this program.

spk_2:   11:06
Yeah, I mean, that's that's kind of why do ah, you know what I do right now involved with the tournament business affairs and our team. What we do is we go. You seek out these committees and and sponsors and venues to help facilitate not only a great event development, but also at the end of the day give more money back to the foundation and local charities as well. So it's a total win for May, and I just feel so blessed to do. Thank you. Do this opportunity A J J

spk_0:   11:38
Oh, that without a doubt, what are some players or maybe a man? And and I know you've had so much experience of the a d g et there. I mean, you look at the leaderboard on a Sunday, the PGA Tour. There are so many players that came through the A J g a, um Are there any that you know of that wood that utilized the H grant? Maybe that through through there there are rising through the ranks?

spk_2:   12:04
Yes. So a couple names you may be familiar with is Atlanta Griffin.

spk_0:   12:09
You know,

spk_2:   12:09
he was nice. Grant recipient. Uh, Smylie Kaufman, J. Marie Greene. So these are some names that you ought to be familiar with, you know, from the PGA Tour in the LPGA Tour.

spk_0:   12:21

spk_1:   12:21
What percentage of players are families in general that apply for it actually receive aid?

spk_2:   12:27
I don't have the exact percentage, but I know it's it's fairly high. It's strictly, you know, sending your household income and your tax returns. All of that. And then it's just determined based on that, what the actual reimbursement level is,

spk_0:   12:44
whether it's a

spk_2:   12:44
full 4500 or maybe a letter.

spk_0:   12:46
What is so great? Is it really removed? It sounds like that element. It a junior player wants to compete at the highest level. This is an avenue to make it happen. And like you said, it's not just the a g a. It it is the state am's and so many. These events are multi day you'll provide. I'm assuming that the hotel is it guest housing. How does that work?

spk_2:   13:08
Yeah, there's some instances where they can reach out to stay in private housing and kind of maximize that amount that they're getting from the transportion. But, you know, it's something where they would just stay in the host hotel or the hotel in general and submit their receipts through our players center. And then they would get reimbursed from that.

spk_0:   13:28
And this is available through the website. I know we're getting into this, but I'm just fascinated how awesome this is. So if a player one is familiar, ta g, g. A and they're worried about. Mom and Dad are worried about budget costs and hey, we can't get junior there. Is it just It's something through the website they can have access to our czar. A telephone number they can call. How can our listeners get more info on this?

spk_2:   13:46
Yes, so you can visit the website A, J, G a dot org's backslash eight and then the A C E and then dash Grant

spk_0:   13:56
fast for

spk_2:   13:57
you. You can call in the Player service is as well, Joe. I'm sure you called him

spk_0:   14:02
several times in the great question. There's question a wonderful, by the way. And, well, if we have time will touch on that. The stars, the famous stars and How You Get Stars and My Lord Performance based on performance based entry, Baby, it's a college degree, but it is. Once you get it, you get it and your folks down there are. It's the Southern Chicken, I swear. That's it. It just makes everybody nice and helpful. And, yeah, we're

spk_2:   14:28
very blessed with a great team for sure, and just they go back on that as well, calling the Players Service's 7708684200 where you can just go to a J J a organ and the contact numbers. There's,

spk_0:   14:42
well, we'll definitely get a link up to that on our honor. Instapage. Hey, speaking of its day, I was looking through the other day and I saw something and this just stopped me in my tracks. I could not believe this statistic. The 2020 Augusta National Women's Amateur 50 Undo. You might never know this market. 56 of the 72 girls, they're teen it up there in a few weeks. A J G eight players. Should that surprise, it shouldn't surprise, but that's unbelievable. When you think of that, 56 out of the 72 either are playing or half played through the A J. G. A. It is really literally an opportunity to come and watch and see some of the greatest future golfers of tomorrow.

spk_1:   15:29
I always equate, Agent told me when you watch the PGA Tour right now, they talk about how these these young players out there are so ready to go because of the experience they had in college. I think the A J. G. A. Is the exact same thing just for college golfers. Now it's just that next level down, where, without a doubt, you get that really great experience of traveling, preparing for events, competing against the finest players, not only nationally but globally. And those players air definitely better prepared from the moment they set foot on campus as well. So it's, I think it's an awesome kind of breeding ground for not only testing where your games at, but preparing it for whether it's college or beyond.

spk_0:   16:11
Well, it has to be because you're seeing so many of these, these young, talented male and female golfers going to the LPGA and going on to the to the sea. Metre and the web dot com and, um, the PGA Tour and winning and just our should say Korn Ferry. Forgive me. The Corn Ferry tour. I still say what dot com? I'll say a Nike state. I'm still stuck in their names. Ryan walked me through a little bit. Your Kentucky boy J t. Did he Did he come through this?

spk_2:   16:47
Yes, he did play in a bunch of different events and actually got a first star at the natural resource important events and mark and I were just talking about that event being a part of that junior's. And yeah, he was. He was amazing to watch in in high school, and he was two years behind me and just a phenomenal player and no surprise where he's at right now and just a phenomenal player and get the interact with him a little bit on his event there in Goche in Kentucky, where he grew up. And his dad's a big part of that as well.

spk_0:   17:20
You know, I was looking at the schedule, and it's it's fascinating to me. How many of these of Bomb come back and are sponsoring events I know personally works really cool. It is. I know we're heading next week down to Ah um, Austin, Texas, for the Sergio Garcia. And there's just so many of these players Justin Thomas, right here in the great Midwest, hosting a tournament there so engaged that that's a testament to me, to to the program when they come back and give the way they do.

spk_2:   17:50
Yeah, we're so lucky to have their support. I think it's somewhere right around 20 players,

spk_0:   17:54

spk_2:   17:55

spk_0:   17:55
PGA Tour

spk_2:   17:55
that are involved with us and it's just need to see them interact with the juniors and given up their time and would help busy. They are. It's really unbelievable. But, uh, we just appreciate their support and ultimately, again just helps the tournament experience for for these folks toe take on something they'll never forget.

spk_0:   18:18
So you've got the Justin Thomas that's actually coming up, isn't it? Here in April, I think we're

spk_1:   18:23
in the middle of April towards the end, 17 through the 19th. I think that's what it was.

spk_2:   18:27
Yes, April, April 17th or nothing.

spk_0:   18:31
Ryan touch on this little bit. You mentioned it earlier, but I want to make sure our listeners understand what this is. There's a junior AM and help me understand what that means for our listeners. What they can. Can d'oh really taken tee it up in these events with the future PJ stars of tomorrow, right?

spk_2:   18:49
Yeah, So the genius is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the tournament player, and it's three amateurs play alongside one of our juniors, and typically it's a shamble or ah, scramble type format, and it's just need it. I need to see some of these longstanding isn't that talk about they played with, you know, whether it was a Justin Thomas Jordan speed. Uh, you know, an MP particle, actually, calm whatever it may be, you know that it's just so neat and they can talk about that as well. And you know, it's It's something where if you're interested, you just reach out our tournament business affairs team and and take it from there. Or, you know, there's a get involved tapas. Well, on a degree dot org's where you can find out more info on that.

spk_0:   19:39
I think Mark's got a list I want to recover because there are so many great events in the Midwest. Where were you? Our listeners if if you want to get involved and I'm assuming some of that money is going to the local charity that sponsoring event but also back to the H grant, is that correct?

spk_2:   19:54
That is correct. Yes, so we give our net proceeds room from each tournament. We give that back to a local charity a lot of time, you know, first, T A. You know, a grassroots junior golf program, whatever it may be. And then also the screen is a little touched on earlier.

spk_0:   20:15
All right, folks, we call this portion of our program at the turn. I hope you enjoyed that. Front nine are at the turn is brought to you by our sponsor, Miles of golf.

spk_1:   20:29
Miles Golf has two locations, one near Ann Arbor, Michigan, and one in the Cincinnati area. Both locations are known for their fitting their famous laboratory, this cold oratory you've got about every manufacturer. You can think of every manufactory manufacturer. And unlike a lot of fitting places, you're actually hitting golf balls outside

spk_0:   20:47
hit ball, see ball.

spk_1:   20:49
So whether it's cold or warm out, you're gonna be comfortable, though. You're in the bay, but you get to see the ball fly. Unlike most, he's fitter. So these guys use the best technology in the business track, man. And they've got every head shaft combination you could ever imagine. You get to try mall out at one place,

spk_0:   21:06
so listen, when you're on the tee, you're looking down at that driver in that tight fairways. You have no idea where it's going 90% of the time. The reason you don't have an idea where it's going, that's not the right club or shaft for you do yourself a favor, call miles of golf. Get fitted. You need balls. They've got him. You need tease. They got on. You need a new golf shirt. They have it. Miles of golf, everything under the sun. Do it now we turn to the back nine. Mark, are you ready? Let's go. Let's take it off on 10.

spk_1:   21:52
If we go back to the screen just for a second You had mentioned $4 million I think is what the number you used? Yeah. Where is that number coming from, or where was a J. J raising that money? I think you just mentioned that some of this is from the the those events. But how are people able to get involved with helping to grow the ace? Grant?

spk_2:   22:16
Yes. So what of it comes from our corporate sponsorships of these events? I'm sure you saw with the schedule Little, the title sponsors. You know, the everything from Circle K to Coco. Uh uhh. Why, Dana, a lot of these people make these events possible and in these communities, in addition of that, and you know, in addition of that, there's a lot of the tour professional individuals and in different communities across the country that have actually endowed a grant, putting parameters on certain areas and taking out a specific junior in a in a certain area to target help out. Ah, certain type of junior.

spk_1:   22:58
That's really cool,

spk_0:   22:59
e I know from Ohio here we were proud of. We have a local Maxwell motive in Ohio and that ER has played for years on the A g g A and then just became named after I think was the Rolex player of the year last year. Can you touch a little bit? What? No Rolex is a big sponsor of the A J G eight. Well, how does one become a player of the year? How does that How does that work?

spk_2:   23:21
Yeah, so have a great accolade well deserved by Maxwell. Such a great young man. Here's fantastic to be around, and I've watched him since My gosh, 12 13 years old. The Mill Creek events just outside of Young Down and Maxwell's action, a script recipient as well, which is pretty neat. Um, we actually had the male and the female Rolex Player of the Year, where Ace Grant recipient, which is very neat rows laying on the girls. Yeah, and Ah, yeah. I mean, Maxwell, you know, to win that award. It is the first Midwest Male.

spk_0:   23:58
Let's go in that. Let's go. Exactly. It sounds

spk_1:   24:01
like another show might have to do. Bring on the ass eyes. Player of the Year Ace Grant Winners?

spk_2:   24:08
Yeah, you definitely worth it for sure.

spk_0:   24:12
But they're playing these events. They're getting points, right? So they're getting there, getting just going like the PGA to like a FedEx Cup point. This is the Rolex player. They gain ranking, and then you're the winner is the winner.

spk_2:   24:25
Yeah, it's alive. And for electron Kings on radio work. And it's, um, you know something that everybody tracks and everybody takes. Notice her what the rank is and yeah, exactly right with the comparison.

spk_1:   24:40
Okay, so a player like Maxwell, you don't go just from starting to being a Rolex player of the year. Where would Maxwell have started? Or any of these players in general, that air really high level, going off to college, Maybe this coming fall. If we roll back time to maybe their eighth grade freshman year now of high school, where did these kids start with the A G A.

spk_2:   25:02
Yeah. So, Maxwell, I think, is first visit was the Mon Valley Hospital Foundation, you know, are at Millcreek and he actually won that back to back the one that consecutive years. And

spk_0:   25:16
maybe he's not the first of these

spk_2:   25:22
Fantastic for sure, but, you know, touching on if you're looking at how to start and out of the way. And it all begins with our previous series, and that is, you know, just for the brand new members. And I think we touched on earlier as well. With the stars, we could do a whole other segment on

spk_0:   25:39
that. I

spk_2:   25:40
don't wantto too deep into that, but the preview series is, uh, it's basically for those that have not played in any event, and it's starting around for

spk_0:   25:49
everybody. We've got a junior golfer that that is showing promise and once toe to get into the a J g et as it played in one. Yet that's a perfect opportunity. The preview allows them to get in. I think it has a little easier entry requirements and can peg it and can go from there You mentioned also junior all star. So how about a little bit about the age bracket there, cause I know that's a little bit different than some of the other tournaments you guys do, which I think is very important for our listeners, especially those that have some younger kids. This needs to be a highlight,

spk_2:   26:21
right? So Junior All Star Series is 12 to 15 then it's just that segment and typically was able to be set up just a little bit of a lesser yardage. And to, you know, alike in the development of of junior golfer, you know we have the other serious, which is open 12 the 19 years old.

spk_0:   26:40

spk_2:   26:41
you know it's a starting ground 12 to 15 and that can get some stars and get a really good handle on term goal before they get you know too deep and into the open series. And hopefully one day the invitationals.

spk_0:   26:54
Let's start on this brief because you said stars and says, So people understand. If you finish top half of one of these events, you can make the cut quote unquote, you get what's called a star in the higher you finish in the tournament, the more stars you get and those stars are what allow you to apply and gain entry into the opens on and maybe a little bit more competitive national global events. Is that Is that a good way to sum sum, that complicated thing up in about 30 seconds? That was pretty

spk_2:   27:23
good. Yo,

spk_0:   27:23
let's go. I like you Say it on the phone. He's called. Those people don't have been on the phone. They woke me up. So we have the previous series if you've never played in. And then if you're under 15 these junior all stars or something, you definitely wanna look at you should competing against kids more your age. I mean, there's definitely a difference between how far 14 year old young man hits it in Young lady versus an 18 year old that's getting ready to go off and play in Alabama University of Texas. It is definitely a different animal. You said Yard is what type of yardage do you all usually play the junior all stars?

spk_2:   27:57
Yeah, typically in that 666,800 on the

spk_0:   28:01
court. So that's a blue tees.

spk_2:   28:04
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And then on the female side, anywhere from 5800 to 6

spk_0:   28:11
1000 and then you had mentioned these Open. So the Opens air 12 to going off to college. And so this is the the meat of the If you'd say, the PGA Tour Ah, non invitationals will touch on that here in a bit. But this is the bread and butter. The Honda Classics. The Texas Opens. This is the the big events on the A G A. All different ages. What type of yardages do you usually play play in that?

spk_2:   28:40
Yeah, they're roughly about 2 to 300 yards longer. So you know, at least over 7000 yards on the guy's

spk_0:   28:48
side, and then you start

spk_2:   28:49
getting into a 12,200. You know, it just Berries. And that's not everywhere. But that the typical set up

spk_0:   28:56
they need, like an over 40 dad's event where we tee up for Mike 4600 and I'm all over that. Yeah, I'm in. This is it. The short T yard, So touch on a little bit now, So the final groups we have preview junior all stars opens. And then there are the invitationals highlight an invitation on kind of what that means, because that's that's really where you're at the elite of the elite,

spk_2:   29:21
right? And typically, it's in the neighborhood of about about 16 18 events in our schedule, 123 events. We run all across the U. S.

spk_0:   29:31
Um, but,

spk_2:   29:32
uh, you know,

spk_0:   29:33
100 and 23?

spk_2:   29:35
Yeah, exactly

spk_1:   29:37
how many states

spk_2:   29:38

spk_1:   29:39
States? I,

spk_2:   29:39
uh I think it's about 25.

spk_0:   29:44
My word.

spk_1:   29:44
No wonder you need to such a large staff because they're all over the place. She's

spk_2:   29:48
Yeah, yeah, but, uh, you know, touching on the invitation real quick. It it's different criteria for different events. And it's exactly what it says. Invite only. And I mean that the top of the top. And, ah, you know, we're gonna race for the and a junior that's run right before the actual a inspiration. And they actually play for an exemption into the tournament.

spk_0:   30:13
Well, and that's a major. Yes. And I think there's a local Ah, it's a local Midwestern girl. We've got, uh, Annabelle Pancake. I believe it's playing in that,

spk_2:   30:25
right? Yeah. Yes, she is. And,

spk_0:   30:27
uh, fantastic.

spk_2:   30:29
Out. Got to know. Heard at all kinds of

spk_0:   30:31
waiting Clemson. Yeah. Gonna be a tight, one

spk_2:   30:36
might think to. I mean looking at some of these events now, these numbers are growing in these tours events. I mean, the junior players event, for instance, That started, I don't know. 10 years ago, they added seven Maur, first time players and actual players. There's now been 35 players from the junior players actually play in the Players Championship.

spk_0:   30:56
So the players same thing that happened this week because you're at doing a J G. A invitational there at Sawgrass. It's the junior points championships. You tell me. 35 of those players that are playing played on the A D A.

spk_2:   31:12
Yep, they pull action played in the junior players, roughly around that mid 30

spk_0:   31:15
number. Sand continues to grow

spk_2:   31:17
it like a bat out of 74 this year.

spk_0:   31:19
Wow! Which is why these kids come out young men and young women and are dominating from Day one because it feels it's normal. It's normal. I've got 11 question

spk_1:   31:30
real quick. You mentioned junior All Stars with versus previews. So if you are technically slightly older in high school, have never played in a J g ET, so the previews aren't necessarily age related, Is that correct?

spk_2:   31:44
Correct. Yes. So that is the 12 19 similar to the open series of Aunt, and we give priority to those that are, you know, the older individual. So the junior and senior would have preference

spk_0:   31:58

spk_2:   31:59
a freshman sophomore.

spk_0:   32:00
What's more exposure with the college coaches?

spk_1:   32:03
I get that question a lot because I've got sometimes we players that air of slightly more of a late bloomer, and they feel like they're behind a little bit. And then they start looking at these A J J schedules like, man, I just can't get into anything. Um, so those previous air still a really great event, whether you're, ah, an eighth grade ninth grader or even if you're a little bit older and still want to get involved.

spk_2:   32:24
Yeah, it's a way to get your foot in the door, for sure, and their stores on the line as well. So can you can come away with getting your feet wet a little bit and get some stars, which is which is fantastic. And then the qualifier opportunities are great, too. It's a competitive around. It's an opportunity to get some stars, and then also, if you qualify into the event, you know you don't forfeit any stores as well, but don't want to get too deep into that. But, uh,

spk_0:   32:49

spk_2:   32:50
I like

spk_0:   32:50
qualify. I do want to talk about the qualifiers because that I think that's important. So if you're Mark's gonna cover it here. All the local events we have in our area here in a second. But most of these events have a qualifier. So if you're playing the regional tours you had mentioned, you played the Southeast Junior Golf Tour we have in our area that Golf Week Junior tour, the Southern Hole PGA. There's the Indiana PGA Michigan, Kentucky, PJ. All of those have tournaments that have the stars on the line, and those stars are what you used to get into these thes events. These Opens. But if you don't have enough, you could literally go toe a qualifier and is at 30 18 holes, right?

spk_2:   33:32

spk_0:   33:33
so it's an 18 hole event. You pack it up, and so many out of that qualifier getting it's like Monday qualifying on the PGA LPGA Tour.

spk_1:   33:39
If you don't mind just going into a little bit about just those qualifiers in General, Um, maybe if you what most people have to shoot to get into an event. Obviously, I know the course is different conditions, but, ah, where does a player's ability have to be at in order to get into some of these events? And what what specific events have? Qualifiers?

spk_2:   33:58
Yeah, for the qualifiers there, 100 players, and it's roughly the 10% is held in the tournament field. So what that looks like is eight guys on good girl spots from the qualifiers and and with that, it it it's usually a little bit over part, maybe one or two over. But it just depends again, like you touched

spk_0:   34:20
on its mark with

spk_2:   34:21
the conditions and everything like that. But that's usually Ah, baseline for that. And then, um, pretty much all the events in the summer, you know, for instance, we're talking, you know, in the higher the Memorial Junior. There's a qualifier the day before the tournament, and that's how those were generally set up that way. You know, if you do qualify your on site and then can kind of move right into the tournament week, that would, uh, that wouldn't immediately after

spk_0:   34:49
and you do have the

spk_1:   34:50
ability. If I remember correctly when I was playing, I played in a couple of qualifiers. And when you qualify, you do not necessarily have to play that week. Is that correct? Still,

spk_2:   34:58
that is correct. You can know, like to know, Poley, um, in the tournament, and then you still get the stores from that actual qualifier.

spk_0:   35:07
So if you see your schedule doesn't allow it, you could bank the stars. And

spk_1:   35:10
if you really want to try to get into a specific event, maybe that's a little bit more. And

spk_0:   35:14
it's definitely a strategy. Definitely needs a planning committee. Toe stars and all that mark highlight some of these events cause I think this is good not just by junior golfers but for our listeners that are listening that are intrigued and wanting to meet you. Plant some of these qualifies or some of these, and you're not playing with kids. You're playing with absolute players. I think that's important to understand. I know you and I have been out here watching of out of this, and my mouth just isn't all of the talent. The 66 67 from these fabulous yardages. It is mind blowing. What? These boys and girls? Men and women? I like some of these event.

spk_1:   35:51
Well, 1st 1st off, what's really cool? Ryan's When I'm looking at this, a lot of the events that were around when you and I re plane are still around. So surprising, whether it's obviously the memorial was going around then in Ohio. Ah, the natural resource partners wanted an Ashley, Kentucky. Um, the Coca Cola up in Michigan. All these events

spk_0:   36:10
didn't didn't fill on Ricky play. I think Phil won the Circle K and Columbus outta Creek there in Columbus, Indiana.

spk_2:   36:18
Yeah, Bill and David Duval as well.

spk_0:   36:21
World number ones through the A J G A. My God in the Holy Midwest.

spk_1:   36:27
Columbus, Indiana. We've got these events we've got, like, four in Ohio. Ah, Sylvania. Um we've got one in Hilliard now, which is the memorial up in Columbus Virtues just outside of Columbus on then we've got another junior all store one junior All Star in Boardman, Kentucky. Like we mentioned the time Justin Thomas, the Bluegrass Junior Indiana. We've got the Circle K that we just mentioned it. Otter Creek. There's another another one. There in Norwood. Uh,

spk_0:   36:58
that's up by Notre Dame. Then there's a town up there in Michigan.

spk_1:   37:01
Michigan. Yeah, you've got the one born Highlands, which is a Coca Cola that seems like it's been around forever. One in the Detroit area, another one in another one up in Michigan to Randy Wise, Um, and then Illinois. You've got the D A points. Another, uh,

spk_0:   37:15
e g a boy.

spk_1:   37:16
Get to a player that sponsored event on then another junior All star in Illinois as well. So it's There are lots of options, and I think that's another other thing that I see with parents all the time. That's it, man. I just gotta go so far. But there there are quite a few that are that should be relatively local, at least within Ah, crazy long drive to get there.

spk_0:   37:35
Well, in a lot of these have have a qualifier. So if you don't have status or the stars, you can elect to go to a qualifier and and play your way in down it down.

spk_1:   37:45
Got opportunities to play.

spk_0:   37:46
Ryan. Give us a story, buddy. Tell us a little bit about tell us when your favorite a. J. G. a stories.

spk_2:   37:54
Who, uh,

spk_0:   37:55
favorite agent on the spot that I dropped that bomb?

spk_2:   37:58
Yeah. Yeah. Trying to rack my brain here on some gets. Um, let me think about that one for a minute. I maybe come back to that. I got to think of something good.

spk_0:   38:09
Mark, you're talking a little bit about this. You're paying for this call, and you mentioned it. One of the events. I don't know what you tell the story in Kentucky where you teed it up against the Justin Thomas.

spk_1:   38:19
Yes. Ryan and I are the exact same age we graduated. High school 2009. Uh, I played in. You're a baby. I'm a baby. But yeah, we played down it. Ah, Belle Font Country Club was where This They still have the bluegrass junior right now. And I still got a couple of pretty funny stories from that event. Um, probably not appropriate for a phone call, but they're pretty time funny, But the last, the last round particular Justin Thomas was playing in this event as you mentioned earlier. He's a couple years younger than we are. Ah, if he was a tiny, scrawny little kid and I feel comfortable saying that he would probably say the same thing. But like you said as well, the kid had game from a very young age. Um, I will give myself a little bit of paddle on the back.

spk_0:   39:05
Let's go. You took him down

spk_1:   39:06
the last round. It was pouring this round.

spk_0:   39:09
How many rounds in the tournament?

spk_1:   39:11
It was a three round event

spk_0:   39:12
You beat on 33% of the time

spk_1:   39:14
that we go.

spk_0:   39:16
You're losing those odds in Vegas. But I only counted by one shot.

spk_1:   39:20
I shot 69. He shot 70 but I still got in one round. But I will admit, though he did beat me in the toll tournament by a couple shots.

spk_0:   39:27
But you can say you beat J. T. One time one time, but I only had

spk_1:   39:32
one opportunity. What event? So, like you said 32 33% of time, I beat up on

spk_0:   39:37
There you go, bitch. In the Hall of Fame in baseball, baby.

spk_1:   39:40
Pretty good batting average. But, um yeah,

spk_0:   39:42
Ryan, you got one for us?

spk_2:   39:44
Yeah, I just I was thinking about something pretty funny. So this last year would read the Justin Thomas event and I don't know if you guys maybe been to harmony Landing. Have you been there before?

spk_0:   39:55
I asked.

spk_2:   39:57
Okay. Do you know the big golf ball case? Right with

spk_0:   40:00
all Justin, queen of this thing said

spk_2:   40:02
the shop.

spk_0:   40:03
Love it.

spk_2:   40:04
So I was looking down at the golf balls and it's got Warren from He won. The came a bill a country called Invitation in high school, and he was point down, and I was looking at it with my Thomas and yeah, I looked at Mike, and I pointed to one of all that. You know, you got second in that

spk_0:   40:21
event like,

spk_2:   40:22
No, I go be

spk_0:   40:24
given one of your golf balls as well. Sign it for you. Yeah. Now you've got one and two in the case,

spk_2:   40:31
right? Exactly, But no, I just I remember specifically that event and high scoring and thinking that Oh, wow. I've got a chance to win this thing. You know, they're pretty good score. And they said No. Just

spk_0:   40:45
call your friend for wind blow. Come on, Blow. That's all, Mr.

spk_2:   40:53
That's one of my good ones. I remember, but Ah, money. Mark, You were talking about it. I think It was just a short game back then. That was just unreal. How good? It Woz and ah, I mean, that was my biggest takeaway.

spk_1:   41:08
He eventually his distance eventually caught up. He smokes it

spk_0:   41:12
exactly. Well, that's what It's amazing on that level, how good, how good they are around the greens. And it's just mind by a lot of those. Lose your

spk_1:   41:21
younger kids that are smaller. They just have to be they good point, really competitive and kind of grinders. And, um, they've got to find a way to get the ball in the hole. And they're not hitting a whole lot of greens, and they end up developing really good touch and skill around the greens, and all of a sudden they hit puberty and grow up a little bit and smoking it, too.

spk_0:   41:37
So for those that haven't played in a J. J, we have the preview 15 and under. We have the junior all stars and, um, then you have the opens, and then you start winning and doing well and finishing top tens. You get enough stars and you get invited to the Holy Grails, the invitationals. So, Ryan, this has been unbelievable um and and I want to make sure people have the understanding of this H. Grant. I think that is just amazing. We should never hear anyone say I can't afford to go on the A G A. That is an unbelievable program. And if you want to contribute to that, you can definitely go to a J g a dot org's. You can follow those links there. I would highly encourage you to get involved. Especially here in the Midwest. There are so many of these tournaments. Grab two of your buddies. Get out there, take a day, throw some money. Adam, you're investing in the future Golfers of tomorrow, and you might be playing with that. Phil Mickelson are Rickie Fowler, Justin Thomas. When you turn on the TV at the players one day and like Oh, my Ward, I played with that kid and had

spk_1:   42:34
to mention these air Awesome golf course

spk_0:   42:35
they are. They're fabulous facilities.

spk_1:   42:38
So even if it's not just the experience of playing with those players, but you're gonna have a heck of a good time playing with your body. It did some incredible golf courses as well.

spk_0:   42:46
And Ryan, you guys give him away shirts and all kinds of stuff. They get a goodie bag. That's pretty pretty sweet. Dumping?

spk_2:   42:52
Yeah, I got shirts and hats and ah, golf ball. I mean, all kinds of great things, too. And I appreciate you guys touch on that night, Francis. Such great opportunities we talked about and two. I mean, one of the other thing is used development. I mean, that's what we're all about. That's what we do. And these juniors, we just want to make sure that they're getting the skills they need, right And thank you know, and care for the course you feeling in there, David? Fixing ball mark stuff like that and really creating good young men and women.

spk_0:   43:23
Ryan, this has been incredible. I I really appreciate you taking time out and being on the phone with us from Hotlanta and make sure the next time you tee it up, you let that driver smoke some hogs. You let that putter pave some roads, but above all, make sure you keep it inside the stakes, buddy. Great talking to you. Thanks so much.

spk_2:   43:41
Will do.

spk_1:   43:42
Thank you. Hey, everyone. Thanks again for listening

spk_0:   43:48
to this episode of inside the stakes. A special thanks to Ryan planning